Genesis Brampton


Brampton, Ontario



Completion Date

August 11, 2022

Elevating Community Experience at Genesis Brampton

Genesis Brampton, Ontario's first standalone Genesis Distributor, is a community-focused construction project that redefines the retail experience. Our goal was to create a welcoming space that resonates with the community. Genesis Brampton offers a personalized shopping experience, carefully designed to match the preferences of local residents.

Innovative Exterior with Vertically Installed IMP

A unique feature of the Genesis Brampton project is its exterior design, it was built using vertically installed Insulated Metal Panel (IMP) panels. This not only looks great but also efficiently encloses the commercial space, showcasing practical advantages.

Efficiency Redefined

Genesis Brampton reflects our dedication to efficient construction processes. The use of IMP panels has streamlined the project, contributing to Brampton's architectural landscape while emphasizing functionality. Completed on August 11, 2022, it stands as a successful example of our commitment to practical and effective construction.

Final Installation - Genesis Brampton
Genesis Brampton redefines retail in Ontario as the first standalone Genesis Distributor, offering a personalized and community-focused shopping experience.
Construction Progress - Genesis Brampton
Innovative design features vertically installed Insulated Metal Panels, seamlessly blending aesthetics and functionality in commercial space.
Genesis Brampton IMP installation
Genesis Brampton, completed August 11, 2022, showcases efficient construction with IMP panels, redefining Brampton's architecture.


Ready to Transform Your Space with IMP Excellence?

Contact us for a personalized consultation and discover the IMP difference.